Team Member

Volunteer Media Researcher


I’m the new Media Volunteer, the brief is: helping to source the most exciting Osprey nest cam footage and working with the Comms team to reach out to the Osprey community 


Why is this important?

More than ever we need to protect our wildlife and the wild places they depend on, working in tandem with local communities and big interests alike. It’s easier to engage people if the project is entertaining as well as educational, and #FOTO will definitely deliver!

What migratory species inspires me?

I'm especially fond of Ospreys but am in awe of all birds who choose to face the hazards of migration.

Why the photo?

I grew up with wild reptiles in the garden (and inside the house!) but never thought to keep any myself until I moved to London and felt sorry seeing them in small glass boxes. I rehomed this gentle dragon who was confiscated as a youngster in organ failure from acute

malnutrition, with a deformed body due to metabolic bone disease from being exclusively fed cat food - iguanas are vegetarian! When an artist friend painted our portrait, Verdi came to check himself out and this photo was the result. I still rescue dragons,

it’s shocking how many needing homes are out there. I passionately believe before taking on any animal we must consider if we can meet their needs, it’s not enough just to want one.


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