Team Member

Volunteer: Education Specialist

Nerida McGeachie

I use my background as an educator and teacher to develop learning resources for other educators to use when teaching their students. Our future depends on the younger generations understanding and questioning the interactions we are having in and on our environments in which we all co-exist. CWB provides rich content that is both engaging and inspiring for educators to use when taking their students on a learning journey. My job is to make sure educators can access this so they can inspire their students to question and provoke discussion around all that conservation means to them.
Nerida McGeachie

Why is this important?

The climate debate is no longer seen as a theoretical discussion by students. Students today see climate change as inevitable and a burden they are inheriting, and they want this to change. They want a voice and a stage to be heard. Educators have a responsibility to their students to ensure they understand the global picture and what the impacts of human activities mean to migratory species, the environments they depend on and the numerous living communities that interact with them.

What migratory species inspires me?

I grew up in Australia on the golden beaches of NSW. From a young age I was in the water for hours on end and life in the water fascinated me. Understanding how life survived in such an environment was intriguing especially when I learnt that dolphins and whales were mammals! To this day I cannot tear myself away from the shores if I know whales are on their migrating journey south with their calves.

Why the photo?

I grew up by the beach and still love spending time there but to really understand more about our world I needed to broaden my horizons. I now love travelling to other environments to see the people that live there, to understand what they hold as important and how they interact with their unique environments.  


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