Team Member

Volunteer Cameraman 

Craig Jones 

I have a passion for animals. and would like to help preserve wild animals and their habitats by using my skills as a cameraman to highlight the problems affecting them and solutions that can be found.

Craig Jones

Why is this important?

The natural world is incredible and beautiful, ecosystems can recover quickly with understanding and a helping hand from humankind. It's important to show how we can coexist with nature without impacting it detrimentally.

What migratory species inspires me?

Filming osprey feeding in Rutland Water last year was amazing, and it's inspiring to think that there is now a healthy population there, when in recent memory, there were none. Also, seeing the spread of the beautiful enormous red kites into the outskirts of London, gives me hope, I fully expect to see them in Ealing where I live within a couple of years, fingers crossed.

Why the photo?

On a birding expedition to a local park in west London with my best friend Jazz. I think she almost enjoys the outdoors as much as me ! 


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