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Human Swan Sacha Dench resumes her circumnavigation by paramotor from Dumfries & Galloway

Calling on residents to join a Guinness World Record attempt

Today, Sacha Dench resumed her paramotor journey, part of a world record breaking challenge aimed at raising awareness about the effects of climate change flying an electric paramotor – a bit like an electric fan with a large sheet above her - all the way around Britain.

Sacha originally took off on the journey over a week ago – but was beset by technical problems with the paramotor and eventually has had a new frame made. Her last landing point was a farmers field near Girvan where she managed to chat with local farmer Alex Melville.

See here for unedited footage:

Sacha will be starting her renewed journey from the same location.

Weather permitting she will travel along the coast to Portpartrick, across to Kirkcudbright and into the Lake District/Cumbia on Wednesday and Thursday.

On her journey Sacha will be calling on locals to sign up to Count Us In. This is a campaign to inspire at least 140,001 people to take personal climate action in a month as part of the global campaign Count Us In

A Guinness World Record Title will result if this record is achieved.

The team would be interested in hearing about any other local stories relating to climate change climate and from people and businesses with projects and solutions

Whilst Sacha is flying she likes to listen to music – so any suggestions of local bands for her flying playlist would be gratefully received. Send to
Sacha said
“I am delighted to getting going again and am looking forward to meeting more great people on the journey. As part of this expedition, we are investigating how climate change is affecting different regions of the country and showing – in a visually stunning and exciting way - what is happing to help cut carbon and preserve and restore our environment. So me and the team are looking forward to capturing lots of pictures and footage in the area. ”


Jackie Pedersen / M: +44 (0)7980 767710 / E: or
Sacha Dench/ M: +44 (0)7534 698525 / E:
to arrange:
• Interviews with Sacha and/or supporters 
• Video footage and stills
• Joining Sacha and the team in training is also possible
Notes to journalists regarding covering the expedition
• The expedition and Sacha’s progress will be tracked online here once the expedition starts:
• Photo and video content, live broadcasts, can be facilitated during the expedition care of the professional media team in the ground crew
• There will be opportunities for interviews at camp sites most evenings
• Email us to be notified of the launch event details in Glasgow 
• There will be celebrities joining Sacha en-route, names to be announced.

Background on Sacha Dench
• Ambassador for the UN’s Convention on Migratory Species
• CEO, Conservation Without Borders 
• Biologist, Conservationist, adventurer, motivational speaker 
• First woman to receive prestigious Britannia Trophy in 50 years 
• Freediving record holder, 
• Woman of the Year 2017 
• Environment Campaign of the Year 2017 
• British Women Pilots Association Trophy 2017
• Green Swan Award, alongside Sir Tim Smit for ‘Making the seemingly impossible, virtually inevitable’.

Conservation Without Borders
A charity founded by Sacha Dench to help drive changes in attitudes and bring pragmatic on the ground answers to issues relating to climate change and biodiversity loss. Its strategy is to turn these global challenges in great adventures which will bring together the wider public, media, scientists, industry and communities through expedition led story telling - and drive positive action 
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